There are so many flooring options. There are so many cuts and colors. Sometimes there seems to be too many options. With so many options we are often not sure if one is better than another. It all depends on what you are looking for in flooring. They all have benefits as well as draw backs. Even with some draw backs some materials are simply better than others. Porcelain tile is just one of those materials that is just simply good. It caters to many needs and many price points. It's a great material for inside and outside. Here are a few reasons why you should consider buying porcelain tile.
Stain and Water Resistant
Porcelain Tile is less than .5% absorbant. Porcelain tile is denser and less porous. This material is tougher and more resistant to scratches and stains than other tiles.
Glazed and Unglazed
When choicing between the types of tile you will you if you decide to go with porcelain tile you then have another choice to make, glazed or unglazed tile. There are benefits and drawbacks to either option.
Resistance to Wear and Tear
Glazed porcelain tile is more resistant to wear and tear. While unglazed porcelain tile isn't a bad choice, it's not the best choice if you are going to put them in a high traffic area. Unglazed porcelain tile is great if you are looking for a material that is slip resistant.
Low Maintenance
Less prone to moisture absorption because of the density of the material. Easy to clean and maintain. The material is non porous which keeps the flooring protected from forming bacteria and holding onto the the surface.
Many Styles
There are so many different styles that you can choose from when looking for a porcelain tile.
Easy to Clean
Porcelain tile is a pretty easy surface to clean. With the glazed material all of the dirt sits directly on top. This attribute makes it a lot easier to clean messes. Wine and other materials that are typically difficult to clean are not a problem for this material.
This material will not hold any allergens.This material isn't porous. With it's ability to not hold onto moisture and to allow moisture to sit on top of it, it also does a great job of not holding bacteria. Bacteria and allergens can make people sick. Porcelain tile is a great option for individuals with known allergies.
Less prone to moisture absorption because of the density of the material. Easy to clean and maintain. The material is non porous which keeps the flooring protected from forming bacteria and holding onto the the surface.
Many Styles
There are so many different styles that you can choose from when looking for a porcelain tile.
Easy to Clean
Porcelain tile is a pretty easy surface to clean. With the glazed material all of the dirt sits directly on top. This attribute makes it a lot easier to clean messes. Wine and other materials that are typically difficult to clean are not a problem for this material.
This material will not hold any allergens.This material isn't porous. With it's ability to not hold onto moisture and to allow moisture to sit on top of it, it also does a great job of not holding bacteria. Bacteria and allergens can make people sick. Porcelain tile is a great option for individuals with known allergies.